Life right now is a blur of days wielding together. Everyday is the
same. Friends are distant because they have full time jobs, boyfriends
and projects. I am not quite as occupied as they are because chance has
not come to pick me up. Nothing feels as worthy as it should be. I’ve
reached a point where nothing fazes me. Success or failure seem to be
different versions of each other, novelty wears thin and life is
predictable and banal.
Is this Jadedness? Is this what it means to be a grown up? Having
experienced so much that you’re always prepared, never surprised and
living on a straight line? monotony feels just as deadly as depression.
Monotony feels just as dead end as sadness and hopelessness. How long
will my life be like this? How long before that catalyst comes and
changes it all? In the deepest pit of my soul, I feel numbness and
apathy. Do you remember when life was so intense your brain felt like it
was on fire? What about when every corner turned was something life
affirming? When happiness was joy that split the earth in two and
sadness was so present there was nowhere to hide from it?
Now all there is is friendships dissolving, job searching, reality
sinking in and thirst for escapism. The pressure is on to prove yourself
and even though you have been responsible and do all you should be
doing to ‘be’ an adult, you don’t get that job, chance or opportunity.
You’d give anything to slot into the normality group. The people who are
so average and everyday you don’t even notice them. They have average
problems, average incomes and average hopes.
Yours are anything but.
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