Thursday, October 2, 2014

You're a bitch because your mother was

Did you grow up with a cold mother? I did. I just want firstly clarify that I do love my mum a lot. This is definitely not a diss post. She's helped me through some shit times and really, there's no woman that can ever replace her.  But man, is she intense, cold and intimidating. In my twenties, i feel like i'm not really that scared of much but she's definitely one of the things i'm scared of. She's scary, she's fiery and she's not afraid to tell it like it is. I think that's where i got my blunt and abrupt life mannerisms from. I got it from her. One of the things i love to do in life is to make generalizations because they tell people more about me than they do about the world and i love this sort of attention. Every writer does. So here goes my latest grandiose generalization :

Cold mothers breed cold daughters.
Cold mothers breed obedient sons.

How do i put this delicately? Girls who are ... kind of bitchy ( everything a man can do but a woman can't ) always have mums that have the same sort of personality. They were strict, to the point and often very realistic about the 'truth' of life. Some of the things mum has said to me include :

" Women don't get better with age, only men do "
" You never try hard enough and you don't know what life is "
" Why can't you be more like Chong's kid? "

" Stop eating so quickly, you're not in a race " 

Boys who aren't so overtly masculine also seem to have had intense mothers. Mothers who were dominating, motherly and who knew how to 'run things'. These are strong women so i admire them, but they are fucking scary and sometimes i pause to think, am i turning into one of these kinds of women? I feel like i have quite a resilient demeanor and my persona as i've been informed, is intense, dramatic and bold. My mother never told me to be intense and stand my ground, but in seeing her be like this all my life, i feel as if it's all i've ever known and the only way to get things 'done'. Mum never goes out of her way to bully people ( except for maybe my dad ) but at times, i wonder what her gripes are with the world.

The thing about cold mums is that they never admit to being cold. I've told my mum when i felt she was being cold and she said to me that i didn't know what cold meant. Every generation has their own version of what life is 'about' and the leading generation will never be able to grasp the definition that preceded them. My mum comes from such a different world to me and is in denial about the fact that i know SO much about Australia and what really goes down than her. I hate the idea that i am who i am because of my mother, but i must admit that i've seen too many people reflect the characters of their mothers to deny that there must be some truth to it. Of course, there is no such thing as absolute truth and there are many people who go against the posit that i am making. But i just can't help but single out those people i've met that testify to this claim i'm making.

My grandma on my dads side was an intense woman and my father, is a retiring and meek figure who i get along with amazingly. My dad is surrounded by two very intense female figures in his life. He married one and bore me, his daughter. I mean, how can you ignore that I'm totally onto something? No, there's no such thing as a total truth and i'm sure you can think of many examples that can trump me. But all the women i've ever known have been a half echo of their mothers. I look to their mothers for answers. Too many times, that's where i've found them.

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