Sunday, August 23, 2015

Post a selfie, go on. I won't judge you at all

My latest published piece : I help you choose whether to take a Life Coach or a Psychologist here

I've been super active on tumblr lately. I used to reblog something every now and then but for the past three weeks it's been like thumb scrolling on steriods and selfie taking on a rage. Initially, i felt so weird about taking so many selfies. I thought people were gonna think i was vain, that i thought i was super good looking, that i was just generally obsessed with myself. And then i thought.. wait a minute. So what if i am confident in the way that i look? So what if i am at a level of comfort with my looks ( thank fuck ) that i want to take selfies all the time? I mean is that really so bad?

We have so much to say about girls who are actually out and proud about who they are. We're all like " Pipe down ", " You're not that good looking " or " She's so up herself ". The fact that they are comfortable and confident in their bodies and their looks is a cause for celebration not a cause to push their heads back down the water. And if their way of showing the world that they are happy with their bodies is a selfie, then let that be! Let them and don't be all nego about it. There is selfie shame out there. " You post a lot of selfies " is just another way of saying " You're awfully confident in yourself, aren't you?". Well excuse me for being OK with myself. I love looking at other peoples selfies. I really do. I always 'like' them because i want to boost their happiness and confidence. That makes me feel good. I'm a total advocate for taking them as well. A selfie is a snapshot of yourself saying to the world, " Hey guys, here i am and i feel awesome about the way i look today". How is this in anyway a bad thing? I am no stranger to body image problems. I know what it's like to feel like crap in ones own skin. To see people post selfies makes me think that they're actually feeling good enough that day to show the world their face and that's awesome because feeling like crap about the way you look is awful. It's like being encased in a bodysuit that you can't get out of.

So stop selfie shaming other people. Even if someone posts just way too many, discreetly block them or un-follow. And if you think i post too many, then block or unfollow me. That's fine. Just don't propagate shame for feeling confident and happy in ones own looks through the selfie. There's enough body image hate to last us till the end of time.  

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