Looking at my old Tumblr bought me back to blogging. The other evening at around 12 the time when my brain is finally actually alert, i was reading all the messages i used to get about my blog and i realised that i had a good thing going but just never realised it at the time. I also realised something else and that was that the more you open yourself up on the internet and the less scared you are about that, the more people open themselves to you and reach out to you. I don't know if i can do that again ... but i want to.
Aging has really killed a lot of creativity in my life. But it's also bought about a lot of things which i really needed especially when i was younger. Things such as Order, Discipline, being realistic and Decisiveness. Great things for a person but bad for a writer. In fact, i often wonder if it's worth continuing on with writing as a whole, blog or not. Some of you might have noticed that i have begun doing art a LOT lately and i've converted my instagram into just an Art instagram.
I've been enjoying painting a lot lately as it's always been something that's been in the back seat not fully realised or developed into what it is now. I've always called myself a writer and made that my no.1 priority. But i feel like it's time for a change because it was getting stagnant and it's so hard to be a writer these days. I like painting because it uses another part of myself. I feel like i've grown extra antennas and i am sensing and feeling around the world on a different level. But it's intimidating entering into Art since i've known a lot of artists and i care about what they think, even if it mightn't be much.
The hard thing about making a career change is that you start from zero. Going to university is beneficial not only because you learn all the basics but also because they set you up for your career by giving you opportunities that outsiders mightn't have access to.
In my case, i'm not going to art school ( who can afford doing two degrees? ) so i have to start from baby, baby steps which i have to admit is daunting and i have no idea where to go or what to do or who to ask for help from. But that's also liberating as hell. Starting from zero is like being re-born and being able to redeem yourself from the past in a new form. Re-invention to the max!
Once i get back to Australia ( Surprise! ) it'll be time for big re-invention. I've spent two years away from Melbourne to get my inner life sorted and i feel very much like a new person already. And because i feel so new, it's time to build a new life with a whole new set of rules, outlooks and achievements.
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