Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Does anyone here watch old movies from their childhood? I think Disney was a huge part of gen-yers upbringing and i'm revisiting one of my favorite at the moment which is, " Pocahontas ". I love her! In my opinion, she's the sassiest and most strong willed 'princess' out of all the Disney girls. I am definitely not one for damsel in distress roles and i think she doesn't portray that role at all in the film. Thinking of all the other princesses, it all seems as if they needed that " Prince " to get them out of some shit situation : 100 years of sleep, a bad domestic situation involving some nasty step sisters and mother, needing to ' fall in love ' with the prince in order to get her father back ( check me up on that last one ). But Pocahontas doesn't need a dude for anything. She's just someone who's putting stuff straight between her 'people' and the English. She's just trying to instill some peace around here and she's got her head screwed on straight. Plus she's totally dedicated, determined and focused. Yeah, i really think she's my favorite. Watching all these movies now as a young adult, i still feel fondness as i did when i was a kid. It's different now though, because i watch it through a more cynical perspective. I mean there's no point in being cynical if you're watching a DISNEY movie right? You're right. Point taken.

I'm always up with the diamontes!!!

It's sort of embarrassing, but i kind of really enjoy a lot of the songs in Disney movies too. My favorite one ever is probably " Colors of the Wind " which is in Pocahontas. I loved it so much i actually downloaded it and put it on my iPod so i can listen to it on the bus. I totally buy into all that dreamy stuff that Disney are known for. I like escaping into this world where everything is possible and great and good. Last night, i did my first painting in ages and it felt GREAT! I had two glasses of Sav and by the second one, i had no inhibitions at all. Below is the photo of my painting. All i can do is canvases of messy paint welding into eachother. I was toying with the idea of doing something realistic but i couldn't even begin to imagine the sorts of trouble i'd get into if i tried. I'd probably end up wasting a perfectly good canvas so i stayed safe and stuck to what i knew best. ' Impulsive painting '. I wanted something to put near my window and it is sitting on the floor just beneath my window now, near my books and globe lamp. I'm really enjoying scrimping and saving, believe it or not! There comes a certain satisfaction with only buying ONE thing and that thing being under $20. It makes you feel sensible and in control and not indulgent and greedy. I don't know long this feeling will last but i'm totally into it. I'm getting more wear out of the clothes that i already do have instead of just accumulating more and more into my already stuffed wardrobe!

Drunkenly named this, The drunk symphony.


Thanks so much for reading!