We seem to be losing a lot of great talent lately. I mean the 'real' greats you know. Before the inane fandom for One direction and despite my fondness for her, Miley Cyrus - we had real talent. We are losing all the greats of our time and even though death is inevitable, i can't help but feel some sense of regret and longing for great artists again. We'll never have another Michael Jackson or Lauren Bacall. They had their time and they shone and they deserved their fame. Not only because they were wildly talented but because they were different. They were not like Susan Boyle or any old X factor star. They were not plucked from obscurity and marketed. It's almost as if all the right ' accidents ' happened for them to find fame. And yes, they deserved it because they were different. I have to say that again. I feel like stars these days are too ' ordinary'. I want people who are unique and different and these are the people whom we are losing. When I absent mindedly watch the X factor to while away the time before South Park or something, i can't help but feel like all these people are just too 'regular'. There's nothing special or stand-outish about them. I don't like the normalcy and 'everyday-ness' about them. No one has star quality these days. Everyday people should not be famous.
Maybe i'm just romantic about the past as I can be, but i look towards new 'talent' from Hollywood with a strong sense of doubt. Noone could ever 'be' another Robin Williams or Ray Charles or whatever. But let them be famous for real reasons. Not for how many hits or followers they have on Twitter. Talent is now no longer relevant anymore. If you can guarantee an audience then you are just as worthy of a Vogue cover as a supermodel. If you can prove that you have enough of a following then companies will probably take you on because they know that their brand will be seen or heard by a host of people. We can even buy views on Youtube these days. Recognition is now something that can be bought or 'created' using the right means. It's no longer a privilege that is only granted to certain people. Having said that, i know that there are some flaws in my arguments. All famous people were 'normal' once. Normal being that they were just everyday people who had everyday hopes before the fame bug bit them. Fame does turn people around. It does change people. But even that being true, you can still spot the girl or boy with talent and star quality even when they were normal and amongst regular folk. There's just something really eye-catching about them.
It's all thanks to the internet and social media. Now there are social media stars and youtube stars and people who have a huge following on these networks that are rising to be the new ' fame ' representatives. To me, they are just normal people with an internet connection. I want to have real stars again. Like MJ and Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall. We have a few left amongst us, but knowing how unpredictable most arty types are, the future looks uncertain.
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