Saturday, January 23, 2016

Am i ever going to get a ' real ' job?

Ever since maybe 2013, i've been obsessed with the idea of a ' real ' job. A 'real' job is a job where you are paid for holidays, where you work 9 - 5, where you get the weekends off and you get a set salary that doesn't depend on anything else except you turning up to work Monday to Friday from 9 - 5. I've wanted a job like this since 2013 when i first moved out into my own apartment and craved the stability that comes with the white glare of offices and morning commutes. The types of people in my life ( writers, artists, musicians, creatives, drifters ) don't have real jobs, so to speak and don't really want one either. I know maybe two people in my life who have real jobs, but the fire inside me to get a real job has never stopped burning. It might sound odd to describe a desire for a job as ' fire burning '. Usually reserved for things such as romance affairs and crushes, my burning desire is simply for a job in my field that goes from Monday to Friday and where i don't need to make everyone like me in order to keep my job.

It may seem sad to you that i want one so badly but having a real job to me would really put my soul at ease. For one, I enjoy stability and i like having money. I can't ever imagine having a lifestyle where nothing is for certain and nothing is stable. I want things to be predictable and square not wild, free and unruly. In this sense, i am the complete opposite of the sorts of people that dominate my field. I am a square at heart. Unfortunately, the ' real ' jobs in my field are reserved for the wealthy and influential and not for the average girl like me. People like me in my field are not doomed but will probably be hanging onto the coat tails of hope for the rest of their lives. Sad to say the least. A real job means so much to me because it means being a ' normal ' person in society. As i wrote that out, i felt an ambivalent stir in me because i have always been against what's ' normal ' in life. I hated ' normal ' people who wore ' normal ' clothes and had ' normal ' hopes and dreams. But as i grow older, i realise that the more normal you are, the easier your life is. The more of an edge that you have to you, the harder it's going to be for you to fit into society. In order to make money, you need to fit into society unless you are a singer, actress or an entrepreneur in which case you need to make sure you never fit in. I'm not on the road to being famous so i need to make sure i'm as normal as possible.

The saddest thing about growing up is realising that your dreams are never going to come true. I've come to terms with this and i don't feel bitter or angry at people whose dreams are coming true anymore. That's just life and life is unfair. But if i'm never going to be Banana Yoshimoto, then i want a real job so i can be a real person in society. My dream is to have a job where i am happy to be there. Where i work 9-5, Monday to Friday and where i have a set salary no matter what. I'd pay my rent with that salary and still have enough left over to buy expensive groceries ;-) The rest is what i'd save because in my dream world, i don't have shopping urges. I save and am sensible and go to bed before midnight every day. My dreams used to reach to the stars but now i just crave normality and stability. However, the stability and normality that i crave are as high as the stars for me now. There's never a point where I look around and feel satisfied with what i already have. I've seen so many people on tv, on youtube, on the internet, in real life with jobs i'd love to have and they are so blasé about it.

I wish they just knew for a second how much i envied them because i tried to be where they are and i didn't get to. Sometimes i wonder just what is to blame. My useless degree? or my bad luck in life? It seems that people can do amazing things such as finish a degree and then jump into a job that's completely unrelated to their field. I just can't ever imagine something that great would be granted to me. People seem to just look into my face and want to say no. There's something about me that is just weird, odd, left of centre. People can tell and then they don't want me to be a part of their world. It's a tacit understanding i have with them. But i can't directly tell them i know. We both just know and that's what keeps me from being the normal person that i want to be.


  1. Life is just like a boat FLOATING on top of a river where there are ripples or riptide. When your boat going a circle with ripples, it does not means you are going to be in the situation forever. This is just like life, everyone has a stage of staying in the shifting sand, someone has it early, someone has it later but rarely someone never had it. When people hits a ripple, the vital important is remaining positive. A wise person is capable to turn ripples into a energy, the more riptide encountering, the more energise themselves, success is just a step away toward a people who never gives up.

    Negative is a monster. The more thinking natively. the more is controlled by it and the more see the thing natively, A sad people and happy people has only one thing they are not In common
    which is sad people see thing in native side while happy people focus on the thing in positive side. Sad and Happy is generated totally from people's own eyes how to interpret a thing. Within the same situation, happy and sad person has a differently focusing, this is how happiness and sadness generated from people's mind. It is good for a people who is able to see the both sides, then get rid of native, turning a effort to drive seeking opportunities proactively. Making self too busy with efforts rather than Overwhelmingly falling into depth of despairing. Success will not be far away.

    Everyone in life time would have ripples in their way. A positive people aware of this just occurred in short time, so that they can face it and get away from it, while native people once hits it, they starts upset, omg, this is going to be always me which is completely wrong.

    Wishes this dreaming girl is able to get out of negative. A thing is going to be yours, it got to be yours one day. Otherwise, just give it up this one for next one! Life is beautiful but it needs you to colour them instead of covering it by native attitude.

  2. When you one day see the thing occurring in front of you its positive side, then you will be no longer worry too much. Worries increase pressures while positive attitude brings your happy life. You worry in whole day, you had a whole day in worry. You make yourself happy in whole day, at least by end of day, you earned and enjoyed a happy day. The thing should happen to you in your favour, it got be happened one day, if it is not your turn yet, don't force yourself always worry about it and jealous others. Of course, this does not mean we give up efforts, just wait for it, that would be silly too.


Thanks so much for reading!